Salam Charity UK News/Blog | Indonesia Shelter


Indonesia Shelter

130 people rehomed so far – can you help support our Shelter Rehabilitation Campaign?

Since April 2021 our campaign has rehomed 130 people – almost the entire population of the village of Nahlaia, in Syria.

Millions in Syria are currently homeless, or struggling in displacement camps. The devastating conflict has left houses in ruins, with an estimated 700,000 households unable to afford repairs. There are more than 6 million Internally Displaced People (IDPs), including many families and children who long to return home.

Salam Charity launched the Shelter Rehabilitation Campaign in Northern Syria in April 2021. Thanks to your generous support, we have successfully rehabilitated 28 homes.

But that’s not the only impact our work has produced. We’re proud that the campaign has been picked up by local news outlets and spurred other internally-displaced Syrians to return back to their home-towns. Businesses are beginning to open back up and we hope this will help to kick-start economic recovery.

How you can help

Our next phase will begin in January 2022. We want to rehabilitate 15-20 homes, providing shelter to approximately 100 people. To do this we need your support.

Please donate any amount that you can spare and help us to rehome 20 more families this winter.

Donate Now

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