About Salam Charity
Salam Charity

Who we are

About Salam Charity

In a world where wealth is soaring, it’s shocking that poverty continues to destroy so many thousands of lives.

At Salam, we believe that it is our duty and privilege to serve those less fortunate than us.

That’s why we are working tirelessly to fight against poverty, striving for a future where every single person, regardless of creed or background, can lead a life of dignity.

Our work

We work with partners who are on the ground in some of the most desolate parts of the world. Our projects are planned to deliver lasting, sustainable change: they’re creative solutions, like teaching Ghanaian women a saleable skill, or building a bakery to supply free bread in Lebanon.

Projects like these are empowering communities, educating future generations, and saving lives – giving people all over the world a better chance of survival.

Our belief

Salam Charity is a registered charity formed by a group of people who share the passion and motivation to drive real change. We believe in people, and we want to give them the power to lead themselves out of poverty.

And whatever good ye send forth for your souls, you will find it with God, better and greater.Surah 73:20

Do you want to join us?

We welcome volunteers on our deployment trips and you can apply here. If you want to support us in spirit instead of person, read about our work and donate to a cause that moves you.


We want to see a world where no one goes hungry: a world where we are all united against injustice and people can live their lives with dignity.


We serve humanity by implementing sustainable campaigns that directly tackle the threats of poverty and injustice.

Guided by our core values, we aim to:

  • Eradicate poverty by supporting sustainable development
  • Fight disease with healthcare, sanitation and vaccination programmes
  • Educate and train communities to become self-sufficient
  • Create social change by empowering women and children
  • Always operate with equality, openness and transparency

Core values

To serve
We have been granted the privilege to serve mankind and promote social justice.
To act with transparency
We are accountable for all our actions. We will serve with openness and honesty, according to our Islamic values.
To restore dignity
We aim to restore people’s dignity by providing them with the means to lead themselves out of poverty.
To unite in brotherhood
We are all united in one common goal – to change the world for the better!



Salam Charity is founded by a small team of three people – all passionately committed to fighting poverty and transforming lives.


Our first project is in Bangladesh: a flagship healthcare facility called the Shifa Clinic. Professional doctors and nurses offer free treatment (including antenatal and neonatal) and advice to anyone in the district. It’s a lifeline for thousands of local people who cannot afford medical treatments.


Driven by our passion to deliver sustainable and life-changing projects, our work expands to Ghana, Somalia, Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Pakistan and Lebanon.


We deliver emergency medical aid to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and a shelter development programme in response to the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami


Dispatched to the largest refugee camp in the world, our partners in Bangladesh help to deliver Street Smart: evening classes to teach children language and numeracy skills.


To help the huge population of IDPs (internally displaced people) in Syria, we establish a shelter rehabilitation programme – rebuilding homes and rejuvenating communities.


The Lebanese economy is in crisis, with almost 40% unemployment. We create the TukTuk scheme to help young people run their own business. This is also the year of our first Bakery – which delivers 700 loaves, free of charge, every day.


Aid without borders

Poverty ruins lives every single day. Millions of people go hungry, not knowing where their next meal will come from. Working alongside our trusted partners, Salam offers a lifeline to some of the poorest people in the world.

It’s important that we invest in long-term solutions – projects that help to improve the safety, health or job prospects of people in the community.

We have developed a new three-point aid delivery policy. It’s designed to help us identify the root causes of poverty and create programs to tackle these issues.


In this stage, our researchers in each country determine where aid is most needed. This might involve responding quickly to natural disasters, or working to empower women. Our partners look for the factors that are holding people in the grip of poverty.


We aim to restore dignity by rebuilding lives. Tackling the root causes of poverty, we empower people to lead themselves out of poverty.


Our work does not end with aid delivery. We will continue to be on the ground to ensure that people do not fall back into hardship.


A global network

Salam Charity has established a global network of reputable partners across the world. We work with leading NGOs and international charities to fund and deliver our life-changing projects.

Our partners in each country help to identify areas of need and ways in which we can support change. They also source or recruit teams to deliver many of our projects.

From an innovative collaboration between our team and UNHCR to agreements with Turkish Red Crescent, our partnership network means that Salam Charity is agile, on the ground, and quick to respond where aid is needed.

Rameeza Q.
to Where most needed
Oklahoma City, United States