Food Security – Global
Our work


Global Food Distribution

Type of campaign

Global Food Distribution

Regions covered

Lebanon / Pakistan / Tanzania / Bangladesh / Yemen

Projects undertaken

We distribute food packs in several countries to beneficiaries who are in dire need.

Campaign objective

We aim to ensure that people are able to sustain themselves for the upcoming month.


Lebanese / Pakistani / Tanzanian / Bangladeshi / Yemeni peple


- During Emergencies - During Winter - During Ramadhan - Some families receive ongoing support


Community fundraising / Challenges / Deployments

Why we've funded this campaign

Global levels of hunger and poverty are increasing. Our basic food packs help people get through a month without having to worry about food, so they can focus on caring for their families or earning an income. Sadly, many people are dependent on this aid and without it, many would become seriously ill or even die. We are in a position to help thousands of people not just to live better lives, but to avoid death and starvation.


What is the objective?

We aim to help as many people as possible get through hunger and defeat starvation. Together we can and are making a difference and we will ensure that many people live to fight another day.

Online Video

Who does this campaign help?

There are 828 million hungry people on the planet, and of those there are 345 million facing acute hunger according to the WFP. Our campaign aims to reach people in this category and alleviate their suffering, ensuring that this number does not increase, with an ultimate aim in reducing it. This is possible through our long-term sustainability projects; for the short term, food packs are a vital lifeline to some of the most needy people.

How has the campaign been going?

We have served thousands of people with our food pack campaign and we’ve distributed food packs for hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. The campaign is still going strong and we are providing emergency food as and where needed, until we can establish long-term sustainable solutions that will help to address poverty.

Did the campaign encounter any obstacles?

The main obstacle is that there are so many people in need and we simply do not have the capacity to cover everybody. This means that during distributions there are often people who we have to turn away.

How has this campaign changed lives?

Refer to the stats in the report and show what we have done in 2022 with regard to food packs

What’s next for this campaign?

We’ll keep going with this important project, raising more funding to carry on feeding people. We are investigating income-generation projects which will allow us to put aside money for food distributions.

Rameeza Q.
to Where most needed
Oklahoma City, United States