
If this is close to your heart, if this is something you are interested in, I would definitely encourage you to pursue it. The team are great, they are inspiring, they are motivating, they stand for what they believe in, and it really comes from the heart in everything that they do. I think this deployment has really just transformed my life, made me appreciate what I have and made me want to do more.

Tamarah Alrayes

A previous volunteer from London, UK

It is one of the best experiences you could have in your life and is just one of those experiences that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Honestly, it just changes you.

Ahatasham Saifullah

A previous volunteer from High Wycombe, UK

I'd recommend everyone to come to this deployment because Salam Charity is really special. The projects they do are just so beautiful. No two days are the same and when you're here, I am telling you, your life is going to change, because my life has.

Zeenat Akbar

A previous volunteer from Birmingham, UK

These trips do make a difference. They make you a better person. For me as a young 19 year-old girl who thought she couldn’t do these charity trips, this is my second deployment. So, if anybody has the opportunity, do it because it is the best experience you could take with you.

Seema Alan

A previous volunteer from London, UK

One thing I have learnt from this trip is to be grateful for everything we have. The people here have nothing. I would like to thank Salam Charity for what they are doing on the ground. The team is supportive and they are doing a lot of good work!

Hussain Haji

A previous volunteer from London, UK

I want to accompany Salam Charity on further deployments. I want to keep doing this because the peace you gain in your heart is something different. It is the best experience. It changes your life.

Zaynab Asif

A previous volunteer from Birmingham, UK

Rameeza Q.
to Where most needed
Oklahoma City, United States